About me ??!!

Born on a peaceful Sunday of 19th April 1987 in the city of adipur. 

Gods must be wondering where to put this guy. So I landed up in a place hit by cyclone, earth quake and all such natural catastrophes to compliment me I guess :D. 

Being a Xavierite, unlike the expectation of elders “whats up??”, “go to hell” were the only few great phrases of English I could learn in my schooling. 

Did my college in Charotar Institute of Technology,Changa. No it’s not a college in CHINA but it is in GUJARAT. College was the best affair of my life till date. 

Had some awesome friends who still have managed to tolerate me. Completed my college successfully as a computer engineer, thanks to good natured friends, unlike me, and a DRY state. I am in a quest of building a glorious IT career in pune, WITHOUT getting frustrated till now, with some People with a rare blend of intelligence, humbleness and craziness. 

One thing I must say, I am very lucky to have great people as my friends in every chapter of my life. This is all I can say with the allowed text size and social boundaries of language....