Tuesday 31 March 2015

What you lookin at ...

Shot this pic in Feb 2013 at Allahabad. In those days I was not shooting in RAW. It was the Kumbh mela and I was crossing the big bridge.

And I just stuck my head out of the fast moving slow queue and looked down and saw this beauty.

I always knew that I am never a bird photographer coz that genre needs too much patience and I need to use the allotted patience in other areas of my life :D

But this time I thought let’s give a first and probably last try. And I shot this pic.

Here I would like to take a moment and salute to all the bird photographers out there. Man the patience it needs is excruciating.

I was half way out of the bridges aiming down at the bird waiting for that look I had imagined. Had to be in that position for at least 10 – 15 minutes to get this pic.

Didn’t publish it yet coz I always thought it’s not that great. But I was proud of the effort I had to put in for this and so finally decided to appreciate my effort :)

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